Roots are commonly known as the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant. Roots are unseen and sometimes undervalued. If roots are weak or ignored, the plant will survive for a short period of time. But before long, the plant will reveal it’s lack of support and may fall limply on the ground. The leaves will wither and fall off. At worst, the plant will complete dry out and die.

I’m oddly fascinated with roots [among other things like pop stars, food combinations like pickles and ice cream, and people’s makeup bags]. The sinews of a plant will:

  • Determine how large or wide a plant can grow
  • Provide nourishment
  • Establish support
  • Protect the plant from becoming uprooted by natural causes like rain, wind, or snow

As I mentioned earlier this week, I spoke at The Crossing, a church located in Orange County, California. I knew it was going to be small and casual as they are building their women’s ministry. I love being able to partner with women who want to redefine and reestablish what people picture when they think of women getting together for ministry.

The event was held in the junior high room with simple round tables and black table cloths. I didn’t have a microphone and I spoke in the middle the semi-circle of tables. Just us. Nothing fancy. And it was everything that women’s ministry is suppose to be about: Jesus.

As I walked into the room where the event was held, I saw a familiar face. An oddly familiar face. Elaine came up to me and greeted me with a big hug. I wanted you to see a familiar face in the crowd, she said. My mind raced because I know where she lives and she just had surgery and it’s raining and traffic must have been a nightmare and…

She just smiled and said she wanted to support me. And that right there? That’s love. That’s my people. See, Elaine is one of the faithful women who has been a part of my home church for years. She’s served in ministry, helped in the church office, traveled with us, and supported my father’s ministry in Los Angeles. And she drove out to ensure that I saw a familiar face in the crowd. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

As the night began and worship ended, I stood up and began sharing. And then it happened. I saw a another familiar face. And another. And another. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

A group of young women from my daddy’s church came up to the event as well. I knew most of them and by the end of the night I knew all of them. They have been to my past summer series parties and drove out to Costa Mesa to support and show their love. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! That right there? That’s love.

Elaine is missing from this picture but she's there is spirit πŸ˜‰

I drove home and called my mom. The rain streaming down my car windshield matched the tears streaming down my face. Those women are my roots. My daddy’s church are my roots. My family members are my roots. The very sinews that keep me grounded and committed to proclaiming and explaining the Truths of Christ are the people who have supported and loved since the beginning.

Whether preaching in prisons or on platforms, churches or conferences, at coffee shops or sweat shops, I never want to forget my roots—people who keep me grounded, supported, nourished, and secure—in the big, small, beautiful, or ugly places of life. Thanks for being my roots… thanks for being my peoples.

Rooted for life,

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