When Sabrina Peters contacted me to be featured in an Australian magazine, I put on my best Aussie accent and said, Croiking, I’d love to, mate!Β And then I emailed her and replied I would be honored… without a tacky accent.

This is my first time I’ve been given the honor of being published in an Australian magazine and I’m wild with excitement! It’s been a while since our last communication about the publication, so I was taken back when Matt handed me a Australian magazine wrapped in clear plastic. I didn’t remember subscribing to a new magazine—let alone one from the Land Down Unda’—but the cover looked awesome and featured Beth Moore. As I flipped through the pages I squeaked when I came across my story!

Enhance Magazine

It all clicked. This was Enhance Magazine and Sabrina so graciously sent me a copy. For 2.5 seconds I felt like the coolest girl in the world… and then I went back to blowing my nose and downing cough syrup and antibiotics. The fleeting moment of “cool” materialized into realizing that I’ve been given this opportunity not because of who I am, but because of who I serve.

Taking risks, leaving comfortable, and fulfilling my God-given purpose has opened doors for me that no one else could. Whether on magazine pages or under incandescent light of my office at work, serving Jesus is what brings me joy. Fighting for freedom is what brings me purpose. Uniting the church is what brings me hope.

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