“To read is to empower
To empower is to write
To write is to influence
To Influence is to change
To change is to live.”
~ Jane Evershed ~

I find home somewhere between the pages of books. As novelist Jean Rhys said, Reading makes immigrants of us all. It takes us away from home, but most importantly it finds a home for us everywhere. And since we all need places to feel like home, here are some books that will welcome you in.

  • Xealots: defying the gravity of normality, Dave Gibbons. Gibbons shows us how God shapes us through pain and how our greatest failures may actually be God’s greatest gifts.
  • All There Is, Storycorps, Dave Isay. NPR’s Storycorps hit the road and documented 75 love stories from everyday people. I love love so this is right up my alley.
  • The Genesis Process, Michael Dye. For those dealing with addiction and control issues, this curriculum is amazing.
What are you reading? Any good reads I should add to my list?

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