I’m going to lose all the vegetarians in 3…2…1! I eat meat. And as a recovering vegetarian, I find moments when the sight of meat sizzling on a pan is too much to handle because I can envision feathers or the hoofs once attached to the carcass. Gross, I know.

But there are times when the smell of meat intoxicates and the aroma of seasoned protein makes me salivate. I know this because my gym is located next to a southern barbecue restaurant. This restaurant has smokers and broilers and grills working around the clock to ensure you get the best piece of carnivorous flesh possible. There’s a large window granting voyeurs full access to the kitchen and every morning there are four prep chefs seasoning, basting, and marinating meat. Yes, at 4:50am the chefs have begun to cook the meat for the 7:00pm dinner rush.

The patience poured into each piece of meat is interesting. It’s an art, if you will. Yes, meat by itself is tasty. Heck, even raw meat is great [Think of carpaccio with a buffalo mozzarella or a sashimi sushi]! But I believe you can take something good and make it better. Like marinating.

Hebrews 5:11-14 compares our spiritual maturity to that of an infant processing food. As a mature believer, consuming meat [solid food] is a sign of our spiritual ability to break down God’s word.

To build upon Paul’s analogy, I want to take the idea of meat [God’s word] and marinating it. Or should I say marinating in it?

Marinating is a process that tenderizes meat and adds complementing flavor. To take the example of the barbecue house near my gym, the cooks prep by mixing about 12 spices, a splash of Jack Daniels, some bourbon, and a secret sauce they won’t reveal and lather the meat before the load it into the smoker. For 8-10 hours the meat absorbs the flavors and the outside caramelizes due to the low heat. By the time the meat is ready to be served, it’s so tender you can pull it off with your fingers.*

Now compare this to God’s word. If we just eat scripture up [read a portion daily or weekly], it’s good. It’s carpaccio. But guut Got, if we season that junk up with 12 spices, a splash of living water, and refine it by low fire, do you KNOW how good that spiritual piece of meat will taste? Its heaven-sent barbecue, people! F’real.

I came upon a scripture that I read before and simply glanced over it. However, I thought about how packed with info it was and I wanted to do some marinating. I’ve been marinating on two scriptures for a month. Seriously. I haven’t read anything else but those TWO scriptures every day. I’m marinating it and hope is that it becomes savory and seasoned and so good I would be selfish not to share it.

Eat up, y’all. Dig into His word because nothing will satisfy you more that Bread of Life, Meat of His word, and Living Water. Bon appetite! 😉

What piece of God’s meat is your fav? Have you been eating the proverbial carpaccio or seasoned meat? Have you been eating anything?

*Not like I would know. I am afraid to the go to the restaurant because I heard they serve unlimited bread balls as appetizers and the meat is addictively good. I told Matt I could be tempted to binge eat and leave nothing more than a trail of bones in my wake. Get behind me, Satan!

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