100 words to capture 100 thoughts is 100 percent crazy. However, I’m finding ways to drop tidbits of information to share that are life-giving, love-stirring, and action-propelled. Today’s post is a podcast I recorded with Christine Caine regarding gifts, calling, and destiny.

I’m from a generation who asks, What is my purpose? What is God’s will for my life? Yes, there a heaps of people who ask this question, but there’s a fascination [and dare I say stagnation] of people my age who expect God’s will for their life to drop from the celestial heavens like manna. Christine answers my questions with 18 minutes of goodness! Check it out and enjoy 🙂 If you have more questions or comments, feel free to drop it like it’s hot.

The gift that is on you will destroy you, if what is in you can’t sustain you. —Christine Caine’s podcast

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