Maybe I grew up watching too much Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but I have an affinity for all things Will Smith. When he said, Get Jiggy, wit it, I jigged [and still do]. When he drank Pepsi in 1999 because it he said it was refreshing, I popped the blue and red can into my hand. When he wrote music, I listened. And I believed him.

But let me tell you something, friends! Listen up because I’m going to tell you the truth. WILL SMITH IS A LIAR!

I landed in Miami last night expecting neon lights, gorgeous women in sun dresses, and rhythmically gifted Cuban dancers singing out, Beinvenidos a Miami! But no, I waited in a long line at Enterprise Car Rentals to be greeted not by a handsome Floridian but a rude clerk who didn’t even look me in the eye [as a home-schooled child, this is very disconcerting]. Furthermore, the convertible Will slid across on the beach boardwalk wasn’t even an option to rent?!

People, don’t believe the hype. Will Smith and pop-culture cohorts live a MTV life we just won’t ever see. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 😉

I’m in Miami for the ONE Conference and would love to connect if you’re in the area. I’ll be in the Impact Center representing The A21 Campaign and answering questions about human trafficking. The lineup for the conference is INSANE. Seriously, every speaker represents a different segment of Christendom and it’s so refreshing to see the Church united. There’s still time to register, so don’t wait. Do it now.

I looooove connecting with blog readers, so if you’re in any of these areas this month, I’d love to meet you:

And remember dear friends, never trust anyone who slides across the top of a convertible and dances on the streets of Miami… even if it’s Will Smith. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get Jiggy wit it. 😉

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