I know people who live in a constant state of regret. They question every move, lament every decision, and want a rewind option for life.

I know this because I AM that person.

Sometimes I think I’m Jewish because I’m positive I could complain for 40 years and not even realize I’m wandering in a desert. I also really like falafels, but that’s besides the point. I find myself in a monthly daily tension in choosing to believe God works all things out for good… even my mistakes. That’s why I don’t believe we should let our mistakes inhibit our growth in seeing God use even our failures for His glory.

Sheryl Crow coined the expression, You’re my favorite mistake. Oh Sheryl, you’re so prolific! I’ve been thinking about the mistakes that I’ve made that have actually been worked out for God’s glory and good. Here’s a list of some of my favorite mistakes:

  • Joining youth ministry happened by fluke!. It was a mistake I got suckered into going to summer camp in Lake Tahoe in 2004. Best seven-year mistake of my life!
  • Buying a convertible roadster BMW Z3. Could I afford it? No. Was it a stupid purchase? Yes. Think it was a mistake? Favorite mistake. It allowed me to see the vanity and stupidity in my own life as a single 25 year-old. Annnnnnd drive around with the top down with students from youth group. Fav mistake, y’all!
  • Breaking into the BIOLA pool after not returning my employee key. I justified as a ministry opportunityΒ because I invited my non-saved friends from La Mirada high school to join me. See, I was just loving my neighbor as I loved myself! πŸ˜‰
In all seriousness, even mistakes resulting from a moral lapse of judgement, a financial debacle, or frivolous decision can be flipped around for good. I feel so preachy and churchy by saying this, but I’m fo’real! All things work out for good, Romans tell us.
Does this give us license to act like a fool and run amuck in the streets? Absolutely not. But does give sovereign power to a God who can redeem all, save all, and restore all? Yes, it does.Β 
What are some of your favorite mistakes? Don’t be shy…

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