After a year and a half of marriage

Me: [alone in the closet past midnight reading the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy] I can’t believe it ended! I can’t believe it ended. I can’t believe it ended… [crying commences]

Bianca: [crying in bed]
Matt: [wakes up] What’s wrong?! What happened?
Me: Oh nothing.
Matt: Bianca, it 1:00am and your sobbing so hard the bed is shaking. What happened?
Me: I feel if I tell you won’t care or you’ll think I’m crazy…
Matt: What’s wrong? I’m here to listen.
Me: Well, I finished the Hunger Games trilogy and I just can’t believe it ended. Peeta was the most amazing man and, I mean, I saw two people fall deeply in love and fight for each other and beat the odds and Β I feel… I just feel so…
Matt: [silence]
Me: I feel so…
Matt: Zzzzzzzz… [snoring]

After a year and a half of marriage, my love affair with fictional characters and great story lines is the best antidote for inducing sleep of my spouse. πŸ˜‰

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