If I could personify 2011, I would say it’s name was Guido, he had an New Jersey accent, and loved to wear gold chains around his hairy neck. It was a rough and tough year. The year began with high hopes and expectations of stepping out of the proverbial boat and walking miraculously on water.

And that happened.

I left an amazing [but comfortable] job, I walked away from controlling my workflow and purpose, and submitted to a cause bigger than myself. Coming alongside The A21 Campaign meant leaving my comfort zone and releasing my coiled, prying fingers from control. Ultimately, saying yes to God was saying no to a million other selfish desires.

But I forgot water walking isn’t indefinite. It isn’t permanent. It’s a moment of trusting the call of God. That’s it.

When Peter climbs out of the boat in Matthew 14, I wager to believe there was a moment of euphoria. Something like, Oh my God! Wait Jesus, that’s you, huh? Whatever. This is insane! But then something happened. The winds blew and fear overtook Peter. He saw his surroundings and realized he was in over his head. Literally.

As Peter began to drown, he called out to Jesus saying, Lord, save me! This is why I love Peter. He immediately called out to the one who could help him. Matthew documents that the very moment Peter cried out, Jesus was there to save him. In true Jesus fashion, he turns the rescue mission into a learning moment.

You of little faith, He said. Why did you doubt?

If I’m honest with you, I doubted. I got out of the boat, walked on water, got scared, cried out, and was saved. Again. And again. And again. Last year I failed to accomplish one fourth, 25%, a quarter of what I set out to do in 2011. I looked back at my lofty list of new years resolutions and licked my battle wounds. Guido kicked my butt and seemingly got the best of me.

But I heard a still small voice whisper, You of little faith. Why do you doubt? [Obviously Jesus speaks to me in present tense.]

God doesn’t operate on my timeline. He isn’t swayed by my calendar appointments, Outlook requests, or meeting agendas. [And he definitely doesn’t give a rip about Guido!] God wants me to trust him. Plain and simple.

When I wrote yesterday that we can do all things through the power of Christ, I meant it. I’m living proof that you can get out of the boat, walk on water, flail around helplessly, and still accomplish what God wants you to do as long as you trust in his saving grace and ability to accomplish great things through simple people.

Now that 2011 is over and I’m determined to hold onto faith, I’m acting like a tough girl. Yeah, that’s right. A tough girl!

Hey Guido… shave your back hair!

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