Oh my husband! Sometimes he drives me to insanity and other times I want to throw my arms around him and kiss him furiously. No matter what, he’s the person to constantly remind me of who I am in Christ and spur me on when times are tough.

This week he is in Haiti leading a trip with Mariners Church. There are vacation bible schools to be run and medical clinics to provide and a pastor’s conference to lead, but he’s making time to lean in and hear the voice of God in his life.

I’m in Atlanta for Passion 268 with The A21 Campaign. There are questions to answer and students to be helped and long hours of work that lead into the night. But he’s urging me to push forward and fight for moment of stillness… to actively seek out a word from God.

The day we flew out we were texting back and forth and I told him I’m praying we get a word from God. His response was perfectly true.

God always speaks. It’s whether or not we are listening that really makes the difference.Β 

The words I told him are the words I’ll tell you: I hope and pray God speaks loudly to you. But I also will throw in Matt’s reminder: I hope we can hear His words.

Happy Thursday! πŸ™‚

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