Comedienne Sherri Sheppard once said, I don’t mind submission. I just don’t like when people tell me what to do. It’s funny because it’s true.

Most of us are adverse to submission. Personally, I hate the word submission. The visual image I conjure up in my head is two WWF wrestlers arm-barring each other into submission. When all power and control is lost, one has submitted to the other. That was what submission looked like to me. A smack-down of will onto the cold mat of marriage.

Prior to saying I do, older women would ask me if I was ready to submit to my husband. I would nod yes, but my inner obstinate, defiant, free-wheeling child stuck her fingers in her ears and said, Lalalalalalala, I don’t hear you. The problem was not that I didn’t want to submit, but rather that I didn’t have a clear understanding of the biblical submission looked like.

On today’s Friday vlog, I will answer your questions about submission by pointing you to message by Mike Erre. I know this seems like cheating, but he taught out of Ephesians on biblical submission in such a profound, biblically solid way. It was unlike anything I had heard before. And he’s really smart. Like waaaaaay smarter than this ghetto girl could ever be. I’ll let him handle the heavy stuff. 😉

Yes, it’s 40 minutes, but let me tell you: IT’S WORTH IT!

Whether male or female, single or widowed, submission feels like a profane word relegated to marriage. But the truth is, we all submit to someone or something on a daily basis. I hope this study impacts you and defines submission in way it should be understood.

Feel free to drop insights or perspectives on submission. But be warned, I might have to arm-bar you into submission. 😉

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