We can say we are grateful, but until we confess and acknowledge, it’s simply an idea, a concept, a notion. Putting words out into our world express our belief in an internal conviction.

What are you thankful for? In 100 words or less, why are you giving thanks?*

I’m thankful for…
The car in my garage, dents and all
The home I live in, but do not own
The husband I love, who drives me crazy
The family I hail from, though moderately dysfunctional
The community I have, both near and far
The money we have, but do not trust in
The job I have, though demanding and rewarding
The spiritual and earthly fathers I have, teaching me what true love is
The blog readers who give me a place to state why I’m thankful

*You may say, I don’t write comments because it makes me feel uncomfortable. Well I try not eat chocolate because it makes me fat. But sometimes I just have to do what we got to do! 😉

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