If our purpose, calling, and identity changes when we encounter the living God, our life should reflect that.

David went from being a shepherd to a song-writing king.
Ruth was a barren, pagan, widow who became a pregnant, believer, in the lineage of our savior Jesus Christ.
Abram became Abraham, leader of God’s people into the Promise Land.
Sarai became Sarah, matriarch of God’s people.
Gideon became Jerubal, mighty warrior.
Saul became Paul, apologist and defender of the Christian faith.
Simon, which means reed, became Peter, which means rock. Yes, the rock we built our promises on today.

And you, the geek, the victim, the loser, the entitled, are freedom fighters, conquerors, chosen, and called. When you accept this you will know where your identity is and to WHOM your identity is in.

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