Dust; fragmented layers of collected particles, discarded and often ignored. We ignore the build up of dust collecting on our drawers and end tables. We’re annoyed by the useless layer of connected particles. We never in a million years collect dust and create art or beauty from grey, lifeless layers.

And yet Gungor’s song reminds me that beautiful things can be made from dust. The concept is gnarly and still hard for me to process, but I believe it. I believe it because I see it in my own life.

I’m in a season where I feel like a million different pieces of fragmented particles, fragile and see-though. I’m thin-layered and easily brushed. But I believe something beautiful is being formed. I believe it because I’m living it.

I believe beautiful things are being formed.

Being sick one week, then diagnosed with something the following week, then going back to urgent care for another matter this week reminds me that I’m fragile and thin-layered and fragmented. But in that there is something beautiful being formed. I believe it because I see it.

What is the dust of your life? Where are you feeling fragile? Hang on… beautiful things are being made by the One who can make beautiful things out of dust.

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