In college a group of girls in our adjoining suite threw a birthday party at a local restaurant for some friends. Everyone was talking about who was going and what people were going to wear. Granted, they weren’t close friends of mine, but nearly the entire school was invited with red invitations dropped into our college mailboxes. Except mine.

I felt so left out and hurt until one of my roommates said, B, they didn’t invite you because they knew you wouldn’t go. It’s at a bar and everyone is going to get wasted. It’s not your scene.Β 

She was right. But I still just wanted the invite. The option. The courtesy. And if I’m really honest, the red invite in my mailbox.

I swore I would be intentional about inviting my close friends and family to any party or event I had so as to not make them feel left out. But on Friday, I failed. One of my closest friends was in town and I didn’t invite her to SeaCoast Grace where I spoke on Friday night. I got a text that said:

Dude. Why didn’t you invite me with you tonight?! I would’ve gone.

For starters, I feel lame asking people to join me for events because I always feel like it’s a burden. Secondly, I am a chicken and I don’t want to fail in dispensing God’s word. Third, I’m a loner by choice and enjoy the feeling of walking in alone and being forced to make new friends and meet new people.

But I was sad that my BFF didn’t get her proverbial red invite in her college mailbox. So this is for her and everyone else who wants to come to a couple parties I’ll be at. πŸ˜‰ If you’re in town, I’d love to see you at the following events:

  • Catalyst, Gywnett Arena, Atlanta, Georgia, October 5-7, 2011
  • Enough, The Crossing Church, Costa Mesa, California, October 10 [women only], $5
  • Authentic Beauty, Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, Anaheim, California, October 15 [teens, young adults], $5
I’d love to connect with you so “RSVP” to any of these parties by hollering at me on Twitter or me leaving a note on Facebook. πŸ™‚ I had a BLAST on Friday night meeting blog readers like Brittany B., Brittany, Leilani, and Jennifer! I felt like I was coming face-to-face with friends I’d known for a long time.
When we meet in real life, I’ll be able to hand you your red invitation. Until then, this will have to do. πŸ˜‰

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