Goodbyes are so hard. The waving hand and the blowing of air kisses indicate an end, a permanent change in a particular moment. For most people, letting go is difficult, but in two days I’m running away from home. Yes, sprinting down the street, waving frantically, and blowing air kisses to the apartment I’ve called home since the day I said, I DO.

I want to be sentimental about leaving our nest, but truthfully, it’s an answer to prayer! I moved into a preexisting man cave with two kids. Can you imagine was it was like to see an XBOX, a PS3, and BluRay DVD player, but no coordinating hand towels for guests, or lamps for the rooms, or duvet for the bed box spring? Or what it was like to try to cut fruit with a butter knife because it was the only knife on hand? Basically, moving into our apartment was an adventure! A caper! An experience! [I added exclamation marks to those words to make them sound fun. It didn’t work.]

After much prayer, rearranging of finances, and responsible budgeting, Matt and I found a house to call home. It’s not a mansion or my dream house on Pacific Coast Highway, but it’s ours. And we love it.

I’m on a busy packing schedule set by the resident project manager [aka Matthew Olthoff], but I am definitely making room on Saturday to do the following:

  • say au voir to our next door neighbor with the cat who is perpetually in heat and screams like it’s being tortured
  • blow air kisses to our down stairs neighbor below us who bangs on her ceiling/our floor with a force that says, STOP MAKING NOISE OR I WILL GO UP THERE AND WHOOP YOU
  • sprint away from our upstairs neighbors who bicker and smoke cigarettes like Marge Simpson’s sisters
  • give my best pageant wave to the screaming kids who play in the courtyard at all hours of the day
  • never drive around the apartment complex aimlessly after work in hopes of finding parking
  • hug the door of our apartment that was my welcoming committee as I entered the man cave
We’ve created memories in our little apartment and I’m grateful for our first home. But now it’s time for my own garage and backyard πŸ™‚ Now if you’ll excuse me, my project manager is keeping me on a tight timetable before I leave for work.
If you have any moving advice, let me know. This is my first big move as a family, so I wait in eager anticipation for the wisdom you’ll dispense. πŸ˜‰

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