It’s hard to love our enemies. It’s challenging to be kind to those who disagree with our message. And sometimes, because of our differences, we get the gospel in the wrong order. We reverse it. We make it faith, then grace. We wait for people to think like us, act like us, believe like us, and behave like us.

Then, when they finally do, we are kind to them. But this is not how the gospel works. We need to put things in order.

Scripture teaches us that people are saved by grace through faith—they’re not saved by faith through grace. It’s through God’s grace that creates conditions for faith. Don’t get it twisted.

Tyson and Whitehead said it like this:

The gay community hears the church say: “Change your ways, then God will love you.” The Muslim community hears: “Change your ways, then we will love you.” The atheists hears: “Believe in God, then he will love you.” But what Jesus actually says is, “I love you now. Just the way you are. Come to me. Receive my grace.”

You don’t have to change for God to love you. God loves you just the way you are. This is what enables you to change.

Keep the gospel in order: grace, then faith.

Question to mull over: Is there anything else you feel is twisted or flip-flopped when people talk about the gospel?

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