We sat around the table while the Balkan sea air lightly lifted napkins and table cloths. The smell of thick olive oil, sea salt, and ocean water filled the air, and for a moment, I felt like I was in heaven.

Surround by a Norwegian, a Dane, and four Greeks, our table was like the United Nations of church development. For two and half hours we shared our stories, how we ended up doing what we’re doing, and why we won’t give up. There is a burden on the hearts of many to see Europe restored to the glory of yesteryear. But there is a bigger passion to see the Church—the global church—rise up and stand for what is good, true, and beautiful.Β 

If Acts 2 were to occur again, I’m pretty sure it would be around a dinner table by the Balkan sea, dipping bread in olive oil and praying for a united body of Christ to redeem that which is lost in the world: a hope for the future church.

The beautiful thing about our conversation was that each of us—ministers of the gospel—have set aside our desire to directly build the church to pursue justice as a means of fulfilling the gospel.

Maria and Demetris are Greek pastors who are still leading their congregation while simultaneously using their law degree to fight trafficking in Greece. Phil and Nina are northern Europeans who had a burden to build the church, yet are meeting the direct need of those who are captive and slaves to someone else’s sins. Liana and Melina are radical young church leaders who not only serve at their church but fight for awareness and prevention within their island of Thessaloniki. And me… well, I’m just a Puerto Rican Mexican who loves teaching the bible, but cannot teach God’s word without putting it into practice.

WE are the united body of Christ. YOU are part of it. I couldn’t wait to share this with you because a part of me has been given to you in the last two years of blogging. I’m here because you—invisible you—caused me to put my heart where my mouth is and do something.

As I left our dinner table, I felt full. Not from olives and tomatoes, but from the feeling of oneness with a family I just met. I share this global family with you because together, we are the hope for the future. Together, we can make a difference.

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