Okay, seriously people,  I don’t care how tight we are or how much you value being “real,” I don’t want to hear you pass any form of gas from any orifice on your body. At all. Ever.

Furthermore, I don’t even want to talk about. The topic is thoroughly disgusting and nothing makes me more comfortable than when we normalize the conversation by saying, Everybody does it! Friends, I’m not everybody.

For some context, I grew up in a house where my mother created an etiquette course as part of our education. We didn’t call it burping, we referred to it as belching. Farting was hushed and replaced with flatulence. [Side note: My mother has never flatulated in front of my father in the 38 years they’ve been together and I’m pretty sure he appreciates it.] So you can imagine my horror when last night’s dinner conversation took a turn for the worst.

Someone—to protect his identity we’ll just call him Natt—said, Hey, it’s normal! I can be real. Everybody does it! At this point, the artisan appetizers are going sour in my stomach because I could see this conversation going south… dirty south. I gave Natt one of those We-aren’t-going-to-go-there looks accompanied with a frozen smile. What? he innocently asked. Like you don’t fart?

Natthew, I barked. You better watch your words! All the Southern etiquette my momma taught me was going to go out the window in 2.5 seconds if this man was going to throw me under the bus. Just so we’re all clear, no one needs to know mine or your gastronomical expulsions. It’s gross. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not normal. [Seriously, any gas exuding your body that can be lit into a flame is not normal. Ever.]

So please, I beg of you, don’t talk about belching or flatulence under the guise of being real. Friends, you’re not being real, you’re being gross.

All in favor, say aye!

My mother thanks you.

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