A few thoughts on forgiveness…

When Jesus died on the cross, he absorbed the sin of the world. It was injust, but he took it. Forgiving is kind of the same thing. In forgiving, you may wrestle with a sense of injustice—the sense of rewarding actions that are hurtful, the sense that people who have wronged you are geting away with something.

But forgiveness is not a feeling; it’s an action. It’s not an emotion (though emotion is involved); it’s a choice. The choice is difficult, but it’s one that has to be made. The word itself can be broken into two words: for-give. Because much like giving a gift, we give someone forgiveness.

It’s a choice you have to make, an action you have to take. This isn’t something you can natual muster up or reach into your kind soul to give. No, it is only possible when God imparts his grace to us, the same grace that caused Jesus to suffer for our evil and sin.

Are you needing to forgive something? It’s okay. We all are.

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