We’re all marked by something. Labels, stereotypes, and categories will painfully remind us that we are marked by others. But what if this wasn’t the case? What if we stopped allowing others to mark us because we appropriated the mark of something bigger, something better?

Here’s the TRUTH: we are marked by something bigger and better!

We have been marked by the LOVE of Jesus Christ which is bigger and better than any marking made by others. The question I want to unravel is whether or not our life fully reflects this marking. Every aspect of our life should reflect the marking of love, Christ’s love. It is a love that permeates our identity, pierces our soul, sears our mind, covers our body, and envelopes our heart. Then, and only then, will we fully embrace living out our calling and purpose in life.
I’ll be kicking off the six-week series tonight with Carlos Whittaker at my home church in Los Angeles, California.  There is nothing special about me or magical about the church but I believe if your commit with your mind and purpose in your heart a desire for change, God will speak to you—you and only you will be the one to allow yourself to get real with God. This class isn’t your savior for there is only ONE Savior who is able to pull you from where you are. Get right with God, get tight with God. Do the work.

If you are hosting a live, online group or watching from home, click here at 7PM PST. Spread the news and the love! If you’ll be watching online, let me where and how are with you. We have to give you a shoutout!

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