I hate admitting that I need my husband. [As in, I cringe at the admission of dependency upon someone.] But if I’m honest with myself I could be the I’M LOST poster child when we travel. Here are 100 words to prove this:

OH NO! I didn’t print out my itinerary.
I emailed you a confirmation.

OH MY GOSH! I forgot to turn off the iron before we left.
I unplugged it and put it away.

OH SHOOT! I didn’t take the laundry out of the washer before we left. The clothes are going to get moldy.
I unloaded the washer and tossed the load into the dryer.

OH DARN! I forgot my phone charger.
You can use my extra one.

OH MAN! That dessert looks amazing.
Don’t eat that. I’m going to hear you cry later.

If you see my face in your local airport, don’t worry. Just return me to Matt Olthoff and I’ll be just fine. 🙂

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