I rattled off the list of things needed to be done in the next four weeks and I laughed. I chuckled out loud because my Life’s To-Do list really does look impossible. But I know this has to get done. And I know all of this will get done.

When talking about this with my friend, she asked if I would have time to do it meet the deadlines. I told her I didn’t. She told me I was crazy. And then asked if I was sane.

Sanity always comes with a level of security. But what if that security isn’t there? What if you can’t see down the road?

I’ve decided to walk forward, backwards. People have always told me to look forward, keep my eye on the prize, see the light at the end of the tunnel. But there are times when looking forward freezes me with fear, the prize is not something to be won but to be endured, and the light at the end of the tunnel is non-existent.

I explained that in this season, I’m walking backwards. If I look at the future, I’d probably give up. I believe God can do something awesome in my life, but I sometimes doubt He will.

When doubt creeps in and failure seems eminent, I can turn around and see that God has never let me down. He’s provided a home, food, family, education, kids, jobs, money, and health even in seasons when it was non-existent, when the future looked empty, when light at the end of the tunnel only showed a new approaching tunnel.

When I walk backwards, I see God not only has do the impossible, but will continue do the impossible. Walk backwards. You’ll get there.

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