Friends—er, maybe eFriends. No, how about CyberCompanions? Wait, let’s go with Online Homies. Nah, this is getting lame. I’ll just keep it real and say, Amigos! [You know, because I was just in Mexico and all.] It’s good to be back, but I have to admit that it’s been a bit crazy.

I wanted to blog about suffering [and I will], but traveling the past two days while trying to finish preparing for a women’s retreat this weekend has kept me busy. I’m sharing with y’all a video from an online leadership conference I was involved with a few weeks ago.

The premise was to take six minutes and address a message for the next generation of leaders. The thoughts are basic and rudimentary, but foundational in leading the way God wants me to.

As always, I like keeping those who visit the blog in the loop, so I’m posting the video here. 🙂 Feel free to chime in and add your own perspective, thoughts, or comments.

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