I talk fast when I’m nervous. Like really fast. Sometimes it’s so fast things get lost in translation and heresy is created.

For example, I was asked to work on a project for a children’s bible Thomas Nelson publication wanted to create. I was SO excited and I couldn’t wait to tell some of the girls from my discipleship group. That night at youth group I blurted out, Ohmygoodness! Iwasaskedtowriteforaprojectforanewchildren’sbible!!! [inhale] TheyaskedmetowriteanarticleonpuritywithabunchofamazingspeakersandteachersandI’msoexcitedIcouldcry[exhale]. When some other kids came around, one of the youth asked what the commotion was about they replied, Bianca’s writing a bible! Um, no, that’s heresy. But it was hilarious to hear how my MexiRican language was translated. The good news is that my article is in English so I won’t need any translators.
The project was such an honor for me to participate in not only because they had AMAZING teachers and authors contribute articles, but because I believe in the project. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 tells us, And these words I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, you shall talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise. Teaching children God’s word at a young age in imperative. Sarah Yardley, editor and chief of this project, gave me an opportunity to mold and shape young minds on the issue of purity. I couldn’t be more excited to announce that the project is complete and will be released this month!!! If you’re looking for an amazing bible to give to child, I highly recommend this easy-to-navigate bible. 
I mean, come on! I wrote the bible for crying out loud 😉
Speaking of translations, I promise to speak slower tonight at the third installment of our Se7en Deadly Sins series. Like I said, I talk fast when I’m nervous. Like really fast.  [click here to watch LIVE worship with Dominic Balli and teaching at 6:55PM]
*Edit: The editor emailed me today and told me that they sold the first copy of the bible EVER to one of my blog readers?! How blessed am I? Beyond words.

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