But there IS Truth, I wailed while walking down the street after attending a conference in Columbus, Ohio. Matt and I were in a heated argument about a recent conversation about Muslim/Christian relations. Your fixation on being right, he calmly replied, will be the very thing that inhibits you from loving your neighbor as you love yourself… or in your case, like you love your Truth.

His words ricocheted in my head and ached in my heart. Had I been so tethered to trying to convince others that my way is the right way that I have missed opportunities to love my neighbor as I loved myself, my Truth, and my beliefs?

In light of the horrific events occurring and images produced in Egypt, one image has moved me, convicted me, and challenged me to re-evaluate my relationship and interactions with those who fundamentally think different than me.

Two Christian men protecting a group of praying Muslims in Egypt.

A group of Egyptian Christians have set themselves in harm’s way to protect their countrymen and their right to pray. What are we doing to love others like we love ourselves? What are we sacrificing to show those who are different than us that we care about who they are?

May we be a generation of leaders and community changers who are known for more than what we don’t accept. May we be known for how we loved others more than we loved ourselves. [John 13:35]

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