So–tomorrow is the day. Not just a regular Saturday morning, but the Saturday morning when I will partner up with some friends from high school to run in the 10k OC Eco Mud Run. I wrote about my fear and hesitation about participating on a previous blog entry, but in all the preparation I guess I forgot about the actual event. Until this morning.

See, I’ve been ill for the past four days and haven’t worked out since Tuesday. I also painted my nails a light color last night and mud would totally ruin my manicure. I read that mud strips essential nutrients out of hair so maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea to jump into pools of mud and roll around on piles of dirt. Oh yeah, and I have a bad knee which goes out when it so chooses. So I’m full of legitimate excuses as to why I shouldn’t compete, right? Riiiiight.
In spite of my illness, manicure, coiffed hair, and bad knee I will be heeding Paul’s encouraging words to the Corinthian church, Do you know in a race all the runners run, but only one received the prize? Run in such a way that you obtain it (1 Corinthians 9:24). Did someone say win a prize? Then count me, sucka’! Tomorrow morning I will be running with half a lung, chipped nails, clay wads in my hair, and a knee brace.
Wish me luck and have a great weekend πŸ™‚

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