If Jesus was tangibly with us for an entire week, what would he be doing? Where would he hang out? Who would talk to?

He asked the theological question simply, flatly. While other students lingered philosophically in their cerebral labyrinth, I printed neat bullet points and lists of what Jesus of Nazareth would do while staying with my in my new apartment in Orange County.

  • Jesus would visit my new neighbors and introduce himself with fresh manna and Jesus juice.
  • Jesus would hang out with the day-laborers who wait desperately on Santa Ana street corners.
  • Jesus would give out hope and pray for miracles.

While  decorating my notes and color-coding my answers, I was paralyzed by the simplicity of the question—then dumbfounded as to why I wasn’t doing what Jesus would be doing. If I could do want he could do, why wasn’t I doing it?

So the question remains: If Jesus were here, what would he be doing? Furthermore, why aren’t we doing the same?

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