
Subject: Meeting you

Date: May 4, 2010

To: Bianca Juarez

Hi Bianca!

You don’t know me but I’ve followed your blog for the last six months and I love coming to the blog to read about God, life lessons, and seeing how the community of blog readers support and love each other. I have never left a comment but I am a faithful reader.

I wanted to say thank you for your commitment to blogging. I know it’s really hard to blog everyday and I appreciate your love for us readers 🙂

I attended a recent event you spoke at and I wanted to say hi but I didn’t want to come off as a stalker… honestly. So I opted to send you an email to say hi and I love getting to hear you “keep it real.”

I would love to meet you at some point in the future. Next time I promise to introduce myself!

God bless,

Jane Doe

I’m totally open about my love/hate relationship with email. I refuse to have social media own me, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t. I seriously feel like I’ve made friends through facebook and Twitter… and at the expense of sounding lame, I really love them. A couple days ago I received the above email from a blog friend and asked if I could share it as a reference point. “Jane” said I could use it and laughed when I told her I’d whomp on her if she ever pulled another Houdini stunt the next time she comes out to a bible study.

Motivated by this email to connect with more of you in coming months, I’ve posted some upcoming events in the speaking schedule. Please know that I get super excited to meet [and hug] blog friends. If you’ll be at any of these events, or would like to, leave a comment so I know and can keep my eyes open for ya’! 🙂

*May 14-16, High Desert Church, women’s retreat, Murrieta, CA

*May 22, Living Water Church, young women’s conference, San Juan Capistrano, CA

*May 27, Calvary Costa Mesa, women’s night of worship and afterglow, Costa Mesa, CA

*June 4, Calvary Light Center, women’s leadership conference, Wilmington (south Los Angeles), CA

*June 10, Calvary Albuquerque, college study, Albuquerque, NM

*June 11, Native American Youth, youth conference, Albuquerque, NM

*July-August, In The Name of Love, summer series, Montebello, CA

Hopefully we can meet soon! But be warned: I give big hugs 😉

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