Technology is a modern phenomena I can’t live without. I’m so lucky to have been born in a time in history when I could pull up an image from an ancient artifact in 1.87 seconds on Google, find a great restaurant within walking distance, and research theology, cancer, or wax with a click of a button. I’m especially grateful for technology because I’m old enough to remember when research would have to be done in something called a library and books had to be found in something called a rolodex.

For all the negative things people hate about social media and technology [yes mother, I’m talking to you], there’s something more powerful, more engaging, and more real about the world wide web than people realize. At no other time in history has there been a way to connect with people in the way we can today.

For example:
  • 1. I’m writing this blog from 30,000 feet above sea level
  • 2. I checked into my flight from my iPhone
  • 3. I met my cyber-family in Miami

I know I’ve said this before, but I seriously love connecting with blog readers. For some odd reason, people have joined this online journey with me and I’m honored to be connected to people around the globe who love the gospel as much as I do. I’m just a simple girl who loves stories and Jesus and seeing the Church change the world for good. Apparently, there are others who feel the same way. Today marks my 700th blog post. Never did I think I would be blogging for two years or documenting all this life shift or sharing about the successes and failures of pursuing a call of God. But I am. And I’m honored you’re with me in this journey.

Last week I wrote about how disappointed I was that neither Will Smith or his singing entourage welcomed me with a chorus line of Beinvenidos a Miami!. However, the group of men and women who I did meet were amazingly more fun! Shaking hands, taking pictures, giving hugs, and talking about life was quite possibly better than the Cuban sofrito and totones that I ate at Cafe Versailles.

This trip was meaningful because two weeks ago I sent an email to my sister stating that I wanted to quit blogging. I just felt… I felt… honestly, I felt like it was stupid and didn’t matter and a waste of cyber space. She told me to step back, breathe, and consider why I was blogging in the first place. Fast forward to Miami when I got to meet Dayanha, Stephanie, Scarleth, Juan, Erica, Omar, Johnny, Raquel, Myleen, Rick, Ruby, Gaby, Jessica, Alex, and many others who took the time to meet me in the Impact Center.

As I got to listen to stories and hear real life people talking about real life issues in real time, I realized that technology has been our matchmaker. We connected and exchanged bits and pieces of our life because of the internet. The pain and failure I felt a couple weeks ago about letting go of the blog washed away with something a new Floridian friend told me in tears, I know this is weird, but I read your blog because two years ago you wrote that you wanted to change the world. And look at you, Bianca! You’re doing it. Your stories about life, friendships, social justice, and love, make me feel that if you can go out and change the world, so can I. 

So CyberFriends, thanks for being part of my life and thank you for inviting me into yours. I look forward to meeting you one day with a big hug and hearing about how God has empowered you to go out and change your corner of the world. Whether that’s in a courthouse as a lawyer, a classroom as a teacher, a living room as a mother, or a library as a student. Three cheers for the Internet, friends, and no more rolodexes!

To celebrate 300 blog posts, I’m giving away three iTunes gifts cards to the top blog commentors: Suzanne Physick, Erica Gunderson, and Christy.

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