Have you ever been camping deep into the desert? Have you ever been so far removed from the city din or the shouts of your own home that the silence is deafening?

I remember camping in Joshua Tree Desert for our science class my Sophomore year of high school. One night I quietly unzipped my tent and walked across the cool, desert sand barefooted. I walked apprehensively away from the campfire and stood under the canopy of stars illuminated in the dark night sky.

In that moment I was completely alone. There were no voices to distract me. There were no lights to direct me. There were no roads to lead me. I held my hand far out in front of me, but in the darkness of night I couldn’t even see the palm of my hand. It was scary and invigorating and frighteningly alone… but I survived.

I wanted to hear something—anything—but the eerie silence was deafening. I called out a word to see if I could hear my own voice but it fell flat with nothing for my echo to bounce off. There, in the middle of the desert, I was alone.


As I stared at the graphics, something didn’t feel right. The colors were cool, the theme engaging, the graphics completed… but something was off. I wanted a sign or a light or a voice to tell me which way to go and assure me I wasn’t alone.

But I was alone. In that moment I needed an echo, a path, or a light, but it felt like the desert; alone and silent.

As we have been laying out the summer series and praying for vision, the only thing I know is that nothing in my life right now is polished or perfect or clear. If I’m being completely honest with you, I feel like I’m Joshua Tree all over again, silent and a little bit scared.

I emailed the graphic designer and begged her not to hate me, but I couldn’t approve the graphics. In fact, I couldn’t approve any of the graphics. We needed to start over again from the beginning. But this time, I needed to be true to myself.

Instead of trying to lead a group of women with colorful graphics, positive branding, and ShinyNewCool ideas, I need to lead the only way I know how: authentically real and optimistically hopeful.

So after scrapping the entire theme and branding for the summer series, we officially decided on the topic and vision for the event and I’m SO EXCITED to get down and dirty on something no one likes to talk about: the empty, barren, and dry seasons of life.

Desertology will be a two-day event held at CCM from June 1st to June 2nd. This year I’m so excited to have Bryan and Katie Torwalt from Jesus Culture fly down to Los Angeles to lead us in an amazing time of worship. For more information about them or to stalk them on Facebook, check out their page! In addition to the killer worship, DJ Bobbito The Chef will be spinning his music to welcome us each day. Think of it as a desert party! 😉


  • Friday, June 1st-Saturday, June 2nd, Calvary Chapel Montebello
  • Cost: $25 (main sessions, breakout session, worship, music, lunch on Saturday)
  • If you’re from out of town and would like to attend, please call (323) 724-8464 to mail in your payment [there will be no sign-ups at the door]
  • If you’re from out of town [or just want to get away with some friends] and would like a hotel recommendation, check out DoubleTree Commerce (3.2 miles from venue) or DoubleTree Rosemead (5.2 miles from venue).

If you have any questions or need information, feel free to drop a line! 😉 Hope to see you in JUNE!

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