Bits and pieces of paper are saving lives.

No, really they are. To 93 Ugandan women, recycled paper, fashion, and artistry have given these women a chance at what society told them has gone: HOPE.

I’ve been to Africa and the greatest thing I learned is sometimes—though well-intentioned and pure—helping those in need ends up hurting those in need. As Americans we sometimes assume we can solve anything. We sent a man to the moon. We found a cure for polio. We invented reality television. Basically, we think we can solve any dilemma with enough willing hands reaching into deep pockets.

But throwing money around isn’t helping the hurting. In fact, it’s arrogant to think our money will solve the world’s problem.

What I love about 31 Bits is a principled belief in building self-worth and sustainable livelihood using employment opportunities for women. By buying jewelry direct from each woman on a monthly basis, they are provided with an immediate, consistent, and fair income.

By selling these products in the international market, 31 Bits is able to generate a profit as well as provide the women with numerous development programs (English lessons, finance training, community groups, AIDS and health education, and vocational training). Each women is housed and educated until she has graduated from the 31 Bits program and attained a sustainable means of income within her own community.

Win the PB necklace!

What I love most about the designs is that it isn’t kitchy and doesn’t scream, Look at me! I’m a memory from a missions trip! I look cool! No, the designers work closely with 31 Bits to stay current with fashion trends, colors, and styles and have managed to own a presence in 90 stores internationally. The best part of this story is the creators/entrepreneurs are a couple 20somethings out of Costa Mesa, California. They are vibrant, passionate, and committed not only to the women in the program but to their business as well!

They’re new line The Haven releases today and it’s featured by the ever-stylish Promise Tangeman! [I think Promise can wear a trash bag and still look fierce!] To honor the creators in Uganda, The Haven was a line created to celebrate the community in which they live, work, and grow; a place to think creatively, dream big, find joy, build confidence, and be empowered!

Today 31 Bits and I want to give away two necklaces from their new line! That’s right, go out and spread the word. It’s simple:

  1. Leave a comment
  2. Pray you win
  3. Be nice to people today
  4. Look fabulous if you win the jewelry

Check out the promo video, click on their site, and have fun looking fabulous!

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