If I had to ability to know what the past 365 days entailed, I wouldn’t have believed it. Days seemingly have remained the same but the entire world has changed. The place I sleep. The office where I work. The zip code in which I live. The very person I am.

The road hasn’t been smooth or perfect, but as I look back at the successes and failures this year, I’m grateful for the mistakes, blunders, and flat out failures. If nothing else, it’s provided for some of the best stories and blog fodder that could only be my life! 😉

The best part of falling down is the ability to laugh at yourself in the process.

Below are five of five million failures that I can laugh at. And I hope you do too.

  1. Almost breaking up with my now husband a day before he proposed to me. Slap me. Hard.
  2. Sharing a stage with supermodel Kathy Ireland and sweating enough to refill the global warming loss of water in the Atlantic ocean.
  3. Dieting, the 50 pounds of baby fat I’m still trying to loose, gym complainers, loosing weight for my wedding, then gaining it, then trying to lose it again. My life.
  4. Opening a heated discussion about what we wear to church that somehow got lost in translation. I tried to correct and rectify my statements but I really just needed a translator. Or a muzzle. 🙂
  5. Totally awesome fashion fails of 2010. There was that one time I wore Spanx and lived to write about it. Or that one time I tried looking like Rihanna but looked like the ugly love child of RuPaul and Kim Kardashian. Or the time I found a $550 Diane Von Furstenberg dress and bought it for $19 that proved to me that God DOES care about fashion! Woowoo, amen, praise SweetBabyJesus.

Three cheers for failures, falls, and funny fodder! Hip, hip, hip, hooray! Merry Christmas, happy new year, and fail forward, friends 😉

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