At the core of it, our jobs provide money, a roof over our head, and food on our table. In cubicle offices, with black phones containing tons of buttons, on swivel chairs with back padding, we go into work, do what we have to do, and sit in traffic until we have to do it again.

It’s been almost a week since the dreams and goals entry and since then I’ve been thinking about Suzanne who wants to be a writer, Jermaine who wants to make the world better, Brittany who wants to work with kids, Norma who wants to share with moms, and Caitlyn who has no clue what to do.

Your words are seared into my heart and I think of your dreams as if they were mine. I know the exasperation of traffic, the frustration of longing, and the danger of desire. Believe me when I say I think of you often and pray for you with sincerity.

Some of us are doing exactly what we want to do and others of us are looking for a way to pursue something else. But we’re here, at a crossroads of where we are while staring at where we want to be.

But what if we begin to look at our dreams AND current reality (I want to be a [       ], but right now I’m a [      ]) and think of our vocation as part of God’s calling in our life. What would it look like to live out your calling in your work place? How would the gospel effect our work? Or our attitude towards it?

Perhaps it’s in God’s will to allow Elle to work with students getting into college or Maribel who wants to stay home or Starr who wants to be a dentist, but until then, do we believe that God has us where He wants us [sovereign]? If we do, how can this prepare us for where we want to be?

I don’t know what God has for us, but keep pressing towards the goal. No, not a new job, a new swivel chair, or new degree. Keep pressing towards Jesus [Phil. 3:13-14]. It sounds too simple, too contrived. But I hold it to be true.

Trust Jesus. Be brave. Do hard things. Live out dreams.

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Bianca Olthoff