If you had 15 minutes to share with the generation of tomorrow [ages 13-18], what would you tell them as they head into the next school year?
[It’s all you! Open slate. I need suggestions and I rely on you for ideas. It felt so simple, but now I’m over-thinking this. Help?]
Keep it real – don’t sweat the little things and don’t be afraid to reach out when you need help. You are never alone, no matter how it feels, there is always someone there.
and to dream big – nothing is impossible, there is purpose in every journey even if the original destination isn’t the actual one.
I would tell them that what they get from life is based upon what they invest. Therefore, they should choose wisely when investing their time, their money, their emotions, and their efforts. Encourage them to do something crazy like build a relationship with their parents and siblings. Volunteer.
Tell them that when they walk into someone’s life, house, classroom, etc. they should leave it better than when they found it because people are worth it.
And lastly, make sure to tell them where their identity and motivation lies-Jesus Christ for without Him they can do nothing and all their good works are worthless. So take some time and learn about the one who made you so you can effectively change the world around you.
I would advise them to be kind to each other and be optimistic about the future. I know it can be hard with all the negative news they are seeing, but they are our future and we need them to stay positive and optimistic. Furthermore, to be less materialistic and that technology is great but it will never replace actually having human contact: so Facebook is great, but getting together and helping each other achieves a lot more π
Hope this helps.
I would give them Scripture pointing them to who they are in Christ. (a new creation, a dearly beloved daughter of the King…) things to hang their hat on when peer pressure sucks and Insecurity looms. I would try to instill confidence in them through those verses. Good luck and God’s grace!
I talked with my daughter (last year) as she was preparing to enter middle school (and was very nervous about the experience) that the next few years are going to be scary and exciting and fun and full of learning and friends. There are so many paths to choose! So many things to learn! But your MOST important job in these coming years, is to find out who God made you to be. You have many talents and gifts and you will have so many opportunities to try new things that will help you figure out what your talents and gifts are. You’ll begin to see what God wants you to do with your life! You’ll begin to realize that he has a plan for your life and it’s my job to help guide you toward experiences that will help you develop your gifts. It’s your job to be open to trying to new things and to be open to what God is trying to show you in your life. God loves you and has a plan for you. I love you and want to help you follow God’s plan for you.
And then we prayed and went out for ice cream. (And 6th grade was better than I could ever have hoped for or imagined. Now she is in 7th grade and we’ll see where that takes her!)
That high school is a bubble that doesn’t last and you are more than what you are in school. I wish I realized what was truly important to me in high school – know it enough to put it into practice. Also, your grades matter, but no one cares now what my high school GPA was. π
I saw this on someone’s facebook status this morning, and it is so true! “There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities! Use them well.”
Tell them to be brave. Tell them to fight the temptation to make their world small. They make it small by surrounding themselves with only the people like them – people who are the same age, share the same interests, and like the same things. Tell them to find more friends. Tell them to embrace change. Tell them to find something important to do with their lives – something that gives to others and makes the world a better place. Tell them to focus their energy on becoming really good at something – a sport, an instrument, a skill. Tell them to always remember to be daily reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. They’ll find all kinds of bravery, freedom, and challenge in that relationship. Tell them they matter. : )
God well never leave or forsake you !
Years after it’s over, my biggest thought has been “if I knew then what I know now, things would have been so different.” Right now high school may seem like the best or the worst time of your life. It’s easy to make decisions in the the moment and be led by emotions. Respect and take care of yourself. You are valuable, precious, and special (hard to believe sometimes with crazy hormones & pimples) — people don’t determine your worth.
Know your value. Spend time with older people, and not just 20 year olds…40, 50, 60, 90…they are wise and have surprisingly scandalous stories to tell. Do your homework, not only because you need to learn but your work ethic will take you into your work place and bad habits don’t change over night. Keep a journa: talking to others is all well and good but often the answer is already there, give yourself more credit. Again, understand your value. You are a child of God, created, wanted, destined. Walk into every room like you own it but talk to everyone like they’re more interesting than you will ever be. Ask a lot of questions and never feel stupid that you need to ask again (unless you weren’t listening). The world isn’t just about you…do something for someone else every day; even if it’s just smiling or buying a drink. Remember that in life one year is nothing…and the people you know in high school, they will all change. You will be surprised at where everyone ends up. Make friends with people who aren’t like you–not only will you get a different perspective on life but you never know who you may need to connect with down the line…Believe in God. Not only because He loves you but because life with Hope is just that…a life of Hope and hope carries you through a lot. You are not fat. Trust me. And if you feel like it…go for a run, a walk, a swim…just get active…your entire mindset will change. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to do. Go to University or college, take learning seriously, it’s the value of learning that is often more valuable than what you are actually learning. Have patience. Don’t answer every email, text or phone call right away. Take a deep breath, take 6 even and count backwards slowly. Read a lot. Not just books, but magazines, newspapers, blogs. Find inspiration in anything and everything. Know the TRUTH. It will set you free. Be kind to others. REmember that people get annoyed by you too. You can’t always control what happens to you but you can controle your reactions. Emotions are just that, emotions. Choose to love, don’t just fall in love. Girls, never date a boy who doesn’t like you more. Boys, don’t ask a girl out unless you know you are headed for marriage (not right away, just don’t date for fun…it will wreck you and her). Go on lots of group dates. If you are in a relationship, always know that if one of you decides that the relationship could definitely not end up in marriage, get out. And respect the other persons decision. Learn how to eat in proportion, actually, just learn to balance…food, fun, sleep…all in proportion and you will feel good. Finally, if you make mistakes that’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes, just don’t be lazy.
Love Jesus with a reckless abandon. Don’t let your faith die out once you graduate from high school and you are out of youth ministry. As someone in youth ministry, nothing breaks my heart more than students who don’t continue to live out their faith once they are out of youth ministry.
(NKJV)Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
When I was in youth group, that scripture was given to us as we headed towards high school. A leader gave us that scripture to guard our hearts against the things that would pollute it. I never forgot that and always asked myself how any choice would affect the condition of my heart.
Hmmm… that is a great question! I would tell them that Jesus loves them regardless of what they do. Our generation right now is seeking someone that will love them and pursue them… they don’t see ‘nor understand that Someone is pursuing them. I would tell them that the life they find in Christ is far greater and far better and way more rewarding than the life you find at a party. I would tell them… many other things. Maybe you’re not the only one who is over-thinking on this haha! π Happy Friday!! π
I always try to encourage the junior high kids I work with to keep their eyes focused on God. My daughter just started high school this year, and it definitely is crazy what they have to deal with at school … not like it used to be. But, regardless, I know she can “do all things through Christ who gives her strength,” so I encourage kids that way.
I also think encouraging them to find what they’re passionate about and seeing how they can use that to serve others is so fulfilling. They seem to be “searching” for who they are and how to be fulfilled, but turning to the wrong things because for the short-term, they do make you feel good. But it’s a temporary fix.
This probably isn’t what you were looking for, but just thought I’d share.
I really appreciate your ministry. My daughter loves to read your blog and watch your videos … you are making a difference in many lives by sharing God’s love and words with those that need it! Thank you π
SLOW DOWN! Don’t be in such a rush to grow up…enjoy a life with few responsibilities, having your friends around you, and your parents there for you when you need them. Remember that the grown up decisions you think you’re ready to make now will impact who you are down the road. It’s okay to remain innocent and naive. This is an AWESOME time and you should cherish is for all it’s worth!!!
I’ve been a youth pastor for over 10 years. It’s interesting to see how youth culture had shifted in just one decade. The next decade will certainly be different. My advise would be for you to make them understand that God’s incredible design for the future includes them. They are not just transforming the present but they are designing the future. They aren’t just writing history their setting up history makers!
I think I’d say:
-You are valuable
-Your ideas are good
-You can make a difference in the world
-You should make a difference in the world
-You can always do more than you think you can, just push yourself.
-Sometimes, life is going to suck but you have to push through the junk to get to the treasure.
-Having your life planned out when you graduate high school is a a ridiculous idea. Thinking ahead is a good skill to develop, but don’t expect to know at 18 how your life will play out. Flexibility will get you a long ways.
-Trust yourself and your intuition (if you know Jesus that prodding in your head & your heart tends to push you towards where God wants to take you, at least in my experience)
Do it now.
I would tell them that when something is not going right, they should think ask themselves Whats the worst thing that can happen? Like if you studied for a test and once you do the exam you realize you don’t know any of the answers, the worst worst thing that can happen is that you flunk, and that’s not so terrible, it’s not like you have a sickness or someone will die, so you understand it’s not so bad.
You are enough. Whatever comes your way, hurt pain, love, joy, God knew what He was doing when He created you.
You. Are. Enough.
I would tell them to know just how valuable and precious they are individually. And to know that God is a gentleman and SO Loving and forgiving and bigger than any circumstance or challenge or heartbreak or joys. But most importantly, to love your neighbor.
Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it!!
I have 4 teenagers: 2 seniors, 1 freshman & 1 6th grader and I tell my kids that school is a dress rehearsal for life :
> Grades are your credit – people will judge you by what’s on paper so do your best to get good grades and pay your bills
> Teachers are your bosses – you may not like them they may be difficult to work with but you need to respect them. Don’t be afraid to stand up and speak up if you know something is not right.
> Friends choose wisely. Your trusted friends should be counted on one hand not by your facebook. You will find who your true friends are during tough times and those you want to keep close,
> God isn’t just for adults. Call on Him, He will listen about school, friends, pressures etc.
> Mistakes you will make lots of them! I will forgive you but you will have consequences and you will learn from them. I know that God will use these experiences to minister to others.
> Lastly I am always praying for you, because the world wants you and I am not going to give you up without a fight.
“Don’t compare yourself to others.”
“Trust God, not man.”
“GOD controls your destiny not you.”
“Be careful who you call ‘friend’.”
“Keep good company and may that good company start with JESUS.”
“Study hard, it will be over before you know it so take time to enjoy the high school experience.”
“Make happy memories- without alcoholic beverages.”
“Hang in there, you can make it.”
“When you’re at the end of your rope, JESUS will carry you through the trials so lean on Him. He knows what He’s doing.”
“Be nice to everyone because you never know what they’re dealing with.”
“Be a good friend.”
“Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic friendships! It’s better to be alone than in bad company because the Bible warns us “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33).”
“It may feel unbearable to be alone when trying to stay out of trouble and out of friendships that are hurting you, but once you come out on the other side of it all (graduation, college life, real-world), you’ll see clearer and realize that it was worth it and made you a better person.”
“God didn’t design us to be alone forever. That’s why He gave Adam, Eve.”
“When you leave bad relationships and trust God to provide you will be blessed with the healthy relationship He has for you, one beyond your wildest dreams.”
“Make the most of your school experience. Period. High School. College. Graduate School. Knowledge is power.”
“Live a balanced life with Jesus at the center of it all.”
“God bless you! I know you can do it! You are the FUTURE so make it shine!”
Don’t let other people decide who you are going to be. If you let other people’s expectations for your behavior control you, you begin to lose your identity. You only have one Creator, one foundation for your identity and it isn’t culture.
Don’t waste a lot time on crushes–especially if it’s a crush on someone who doesn’t know you’re alive! Free up that time/energy for more meaningful pursuits. Otherwise, when you look back, you’ll realize you went through a lot of heartache for no good reason at all. If you have parents and friends (and siblings) who love you, you are very blessed indeed.
1. Birth Control DOESN’T work
3. NEVER EVER EVER remodel a home while living in it.
4. Learn to rely on GOD… EARLY and never leave him regardless of how neglected you feel.
oh, gosh… this could go on for ages… I teach high school, I drop them all the time.
Life is what you make of it but what you do now can and will follow you forever.
Hold on for a while! I promise it gets better. There is a whole new world out there, full of adventure and new people. Dream Big!
To be a good friend and not to worry about being friends with the “right” (read: popular) people. To shine a light for Jesus, and if that means you are a little different, then you are doing something right.
Tell them it’s OK to make mistakes. Keep their eyes on the bigger picture. Tell that just because they mess up doesn’t mean they should throw in the towel and give up. Let them know that their mistakes don’t have to dictate their future (even as cliched as that has become).