If you take a look at history, some of the greatest characters have humbly failed. We should never strive to fail, but as imperfect, fractured beings, we are prone to falling short. It happens.

David, Jonah, Peter, Paul, Sarah all faced some form of affliction. Their actions are not new. Deception, betrayal, denial, persecution, doubt have plagued humanity since the beginning of time. The beauty in the lives of these biblical characters was in their moment of failure and affliction, they became the truest version of themselves.

Note: It is in the face of affliction that we become our truest or most false self.

Ananias, Sapphira, Saul, and Achan had the opportunity—as we do now—to maintain truth, integrity, honesty in amidst failure and affliction.

So be wrong. It’s okay to fail. You’ll be forgiven if you fall. But be honest. Be the truest form of yourself. 

[Ashley, this post was for you. Thank you for challenging be to me to formulate thoughts around this tweet. XO]

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