At lunch yesterday I confessed to a dear friend and my old mentor that I was afraid. I’m afraid of something I can’t put into just one word. I’m afraid of failing, falling, faultering, floundering, flubbing, fixiating on things beyond my control. Finding out there’s more to me that I don’t want to uncover. Falsely believing that my words don’t matter. Failing to see that I matter and God wants to do something with me that I’ve been trying to stop.
I thought my FEAR was that I was inadequate to do what God has called me to do. But then I read Williamson’s quote and realized when I’m liberated of this fear, others will be liberated too.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Wow. I needed to read that quote. That's powerful.
This post has wrecked me—thank you for having the courage to post!
While reading, I had this playing in the background:…
The quote is powerful. And so are you. You are a force to be reckoned with. I absolutely love being your friend!
Yes! In a small way, I can relate….
i'm going to preface this comment by saying i have a VERY VERY small readership on my blog. It mostly involves my friends, family and women from church who have participated in my home and online studies. I am NO social media maven. Heck I don't even have a CELL PHONE, but that's another story. 😉 I have a VERY VERY small bible study group that I lead. And when I teach at church it's to a VERY VERY small group of women.
As certain areas of my calling get recognized, I have literally been panicking. For instance, when my readership started to grow, I wanted to unsubscribe everyone! Whereas before I would shed a tear when someone walked away. I know that I'm in no way shape or form a light….I'm more like a FLICKER. But even that can be paralyzing at times. I wanted to go back into my corner.
Today God confirmed to me, through this and an email this morning…to take my own advice and keep on, keeping on…..the results are up to Him. My faithfulness to perform that work is up to me.
Psalm 90: "establish the work of my hands, yes, Lord establish it!"
Melissa, I love your response as much as this quote!!! I can completely relate to what you have shared.
Praise God even for the smallest of flickering lights!!! The glory is all His! 😀
I needed to read that quote today! Very powerful!
i've been stuck on this quote since mandela passed it along years ago. and if i'm being most honest, i think in some ways i am more afraid of succeeding than failing. more afraid of being called to do something with what i've been given than i am of being inadequate. but it's as though the two fears dance together. because dang do i have insecurities, doubts, and fears when it comes to the thought that i'm simply not enough…
either way, i know living by these fears is bondage. and He's already broken the chains, yet i still drag them around with me like a comfort blanket. i want to live more courageously and fearlessly this year.
love you, friend.
You and me both, Alece. You and me both.
I am going to share this post on my own blog!!! Thank you so much for sharing this! 😀
this post is beyond powerful…my insecurities take over my world sometimes…but i think that i am also afraid of succeeding..sometimes it is easier to hide in my inadequecies than so something with my gifts….thanks for the amazing post!!! I definitely needed this…and i am going to pass along to friends too!!!
Wow! I was praying about this fear I’m feeling this morning. I needed to hear that. Thanks, B!
Absolutely Josh! I wrote this post for those experiencing the same things I am. Mad love!
Thank you for this encouraging post, Bianca. In my business and in my ministry, I at times feel inadequate to do what God has called me to do. I appreciate reading Williamson's quote. God is such an on-time God o/ — your post is so timely.
I have heard this quote several times and I think I needed to focus on it, so I have it in my blog's draft folder. 🙂 Came over from Alece's One Word post … first time here 🙂 Love the blog!
Thanks so much! Great to have you visit 🙂
This post just reminded me of a verse I read a couple of days ago…
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
I pray I (we) learn to shine/flicker/glow with God's power and love.
Someone else just posted this EXACT scripture! So timely.
Lord knows how I needed this.
Thank you for sharing that quote. I'm a first time visitor that will return.
Thanks for the love, Dana. Great to have you visit!
Love, love, love this quote! This post is SO right on time for me. My one word for 2011 is faithful because for too long I have let fear keep me from being faithful to God's call on my life and to the vision He has placed in me. Like Melissa, I tend to get more fearful and panicky when that calling is recognized/realized. I'm clinging to Joshua 1:9 this year and resolve to live with boldness and courage this year because it's not about me anyway, it's all about Him! Thank you for sharing!
YES! I couldn't agree more, Karen 🙂
Thank you, my Annie…
I want to share what a very wise woman once told me, her first name is Ann, “You know you are in the right place if you feel a little bit afraid…. because those are the places you need faith. A place you can’t do on your own.”
Those words stilled a stampeding heart in its tracks.
Two more words then I'm done – Confident Humility.
God bless and keep you and yours Bianca – thank you
So proud of you my friend!!
Whoa. Amen. And amen!
Thank you for sharing.
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
Powerful!!!! I needed that!!!
I've never heard this quote before and it really touched my heart. What a great thing to read to start your day. I think this is something that I need to keep in mind because so many things can get you down. I'm a high school teacher at a low performing school and sometimes I feel like I'm not making any kind of difference. This encourages me to keep trying to make a difference because I could very well be the ONLY light that these students see in their day. Thank you for this!
Thank you for your honesty=) I can relate to some of what you are saying. I was in bondage to fear my whole life and it takes me marinating in God's word to remind me that He made me who I am and it’s okay to be a great me. The crazy thing is that these days I find myself with a new fear. I pull back for fear that I will one day take the glory for what God is doing in and through me. The ability to shine is very Powerful indeed…
love this. thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for your raw honesty in these posts, Bianca. I can definitely relate to having a huge fear of success. I find that I go back and forth between a fear of success and a fear of failure. Both can be quite paralyzing. I am working hard to accept who I am, with all the gifts God has given me, and to apply those gifts to make a real difference in the world. Thanks again for sharing!
I need to vomit fear out. This for letter word has been making me sick for some time. Their something I want to do this year but my fear of what people may say is crippling me this year or the mere fact of what they may think for simply putting myself out there. Yikes!
So needed!!!
Have you read cheryl brodersons book it's about fear and letting go of it and learning to trust the Lord!!! It's a must read!
Beautiful post!! I feel the same way! Long time no read! haha Sorry I haven't been keeping up with your blog recently. I love you Bianca!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! May it be blessed! And btw if you could pray for me, just about life and stuff that would be awesome!! You're amazing!
awesome…thanks for sharing!