Okay, so I’m fired. I’m suppose to post the third installment of the 20Somethings series with a vlog. Buuuuuuut my dear, sweet Matthew surprised me with an impromptu birthday party last night. Because yes, today is my birthday.

My schedule was to come home, cook dinner, clean my room, and draft the blog. However, I came home to a clean house, ate food cooked my friend and chef Jeremiah, and celebrated another year of life with a few of my friends and family members.

It’s my birthday so I’m calling a PASS on finishing the series. ๐Ÿ™‚

It’ll continue on Monday… in the mean time, I’m going to have an extra long workout, eat a salad for lunch, and have a slice of leftover cake!

Thanks Jacky and Jeremiah for the cupcake cake!

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