We chase after peace like Alice chased the rabbit in Wonderland, grasping at the illusion of what others say we’re missing. Stop trying to chase peace. You already have it. Own it. Run with it. Believe it.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.   —Jesus

We were given peace. But if we have peace, why are we not at rest? Because we reap what we sow. Hatred will lead to hatred, bitterness to bitterness, anger to anger. Sow acceptance, reap acceptance. Sow love, reap love. Sow peace, reap peace.

You will never have peace with yourself or others unless you love unconditionally and accept them, me, or that as a work in progress. Plant peace, harvest peace.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… Colossians 3:15

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