Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them. —Rabindranath Tagore

Doing hard things is just that: hard. Often times excuses are made to defer or deter action, but the core difficulty in our choice is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of proving your fears right.

I excuse and retard my development under the guise of perfectionism. But perfectionism is simply an excuse for my fear. If I truly was a perfectionist I’d fold my underwear before putting them in the drawer. Honestly, Matt’s happy when they even make it IN the drawer. I’m not a perfectionist. I’m fearful.

Fearless people are merely fear-less. It is people who act in spite of their fear who are truly brave.

What’s your hard thing? What’s the thing you are afraid of? What’s the one limitation stopping you? Now, stand fear-less knowing the worst that can happen really isn’t that bad.

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