It’s been said, “If you cannot state your position in a minute or less, you have no position.” To adequately convey a thought or meaning, brevity is best. Strangely enough, I think the same is true with our story.

In testing and trying this theory, I asked on Facebook and Twitter if people could write out their story in 140 characters or less. Let’s see what the Internet brewed up, shall we?

Michael Buckingham: “Didn’t know anything, figured it all out, realized I really don’t know anything. Relying on God. #TrueStory”

Christine Potts: “Wasted breaths, powerless, protective façades, unknown, pointless >JESUS< Known but forgiven and loved perfectly, empowered, authentically purposed. –GRACE!”

TessTangents: “I’m so tired and all I want is a burrito. #AutoBiography”

Unique Campa: “I wasted time and energy trying to paint a picture of perfection, but I lost my identity. I put the brush in His hands, and have seen a masterpiece come together.”

Sarah Karnouk: “Love is patient, love is kind, the purpose of life is to truly learn this.”

Julie Shreve: “Born. Screwed up. A lot. Thankful for grace.”

Tony Sanchez: “Was saved by grace. Was given love when I was not lovable. Now I try to live in a way that show how grateful I’m.”

Dianna Nepstad: “Birth. Trauma. Rebel. Lived. Found. Rebirth. Dreams. HD living!”

CK: “Jesus redeemed me from being sin’s poster child, to a passionate follower of Christ. My ❤ and life are in HIS hands.”

That was only 140 characters and it was pretty awesome! Almost as awesome as my 1990s Kid-n-Play dance moves. Almost.

So let’s do a writing assignment! If you could write your story in any way you chose—creatively, pictorially, literally—in one minute or less, what would it say? What would it look like? 

I’m giving away two $30 iTunes gift cards to the best stories just to sweeten the deal! I looooooove stories so be free to say whatever, however, whenever. In the words of Maya Angelou, There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

This is me do my Kid-n-Play dance moves while reading your stories.


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